Entries in the PDTDB
- Target Database Entries
- Disease Database Entries
- Plant Database Entries
- Ligand Database Entries
- Docking Database Entries
Accession Number - Accession Number is a unique and stable identifier for the entity in target database (common to disease database). For example, pdtdbt21282.
Target Name - Target Name is the name of a therapeutic target protein. For instance, Dengue 2 Virus Envelope Protein.
Target Keywords - Target Keywords is the short unique word to distinguish the entity in the records. For instance, DENV-2.
Target Description - Target Description is the short summary about the therapeutic target protein.
Target Sequence - Target Sequence is the amino acid sequence of the therapeutic target protein in fasta file format.
Target Related Dockings - Target Related Dockings consists of Accession Number(s) of docking database, in which target related with docking to a ligand molecule.
Target References - Target References contains one or more external links to the literature or data source.
Other entries are 3D molecule structure image file, sequence file and 3D molecule structure file of the target.
Disease Name - Disease Name is the name of the disease related to the therapeutic target protein. For instance, Tuberculosis.
Disease Description - Disease Description is the short summary about the nature of the disease.
Disease Symptoms - Disease Symptoms is the detail of physical symptoms caused by the disease.
Disease References - Disease References contains one or more external links to the literature or data source.
Other entries are image file of the disease.
Accession Number - Accession Number is a unique and stable identifier for the entity in plant database. For example, pdtdbp00047.
Plant Name - Plant Name is the name of a medicinal plant. For instance, Ashwagandha.
Alternative Names - Alternative Names is the common names of the plant. Alternative names are given in both English names and Tamil names. For instance, alternative name of Sangupushpam is Sankaphuli, Shankhini, etc.
Scientific Name - Scientific Name often referred to as the "botanical name" or the "Latin name" of the plant. It is a unique name of the plant. For instance, Withania somnifera
Medicinal Parts - Medicinal Parts is the detail of plant parts chosen for preparing medicine. For example, Leaf, Root, Fruit
Plant Category - Plant Category describes the purpose of the plant. For example, Vegetable, Herb, etc.
2° Metabolites - 2° Metabolites contains the list of phytochemical compounds of the plant. For example, Isopelletierine.
Phytochemical IDs - Phytochemical IDs contains the list of accession number of ligands database, matching the phytochemical compounds.
Plant Description - Plant Description is the short summary about the medicinal properties and nature of the plant.
Plant Keywords - Plant Keywords is the short unique word to distinguish the entity in the records. For instance, Nightshade.
Plant References - Plant References contains one or more external links to the literature of the plant.
Other entries are image file of the plant.
Accession Number - Accession Number is a unique and stable identifier for the entity in ligand database. For example, pdtdbl00204.
Ligand Name - Ligand Name is the name of a phytochemical compound. For instance, Piperine.
Systematic Names - Systematic Names is the alternative name or short unique word to distinguish the entity in the records. For instance, Piperin.
Molecular Formula - Molecular Formula is assigned for entities and groups. To facilitate searching and downloading of data from external sources, the use of subscripts to indicate multipliers is avoided.
Molecular Weight - Molecular Weight is the mass of one mole of a chemical compound.
IUPAC Name - IUPAC Name is a name provided for an entity based on current recommendations of IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry). For instance, (2E,4E)-5-(1,3-benzodioxol-5-yl)-1-piperidin-1-ylpenta-2,4-dien-1-one
Canonical SMILES - Canonical SMILES (Simplified Molecular Input Line Entry System) is a line notation for describing the chemical structure of the ligand using short ASCII strings. For example, CCC3C2CC=C4C3(CCC(C4)O.
Ligand Description - Ligand Description is the short summary about the phytochemical compound, usually occurrences in plant source, medicinal properties, and drug action in target.
Related Plants - Related Plants consists of Accession Number(s) of plant database, in which ligand present in plant sources.
Ligand Related Dockings - Ligand Related Dockings consists of Accession Number(s) of docking database, in which ligand related with docking to a target molecule.
Ligand References - Ligand References contains one or more external links to the literature or data source.
Other entries are 2D chemical structure image file and 3D chemical structure file of the ligand.
Accession Number - Accession Number is a unique and stable identifier for the entity in docking database. For example, pdtdbd00014.
Docking Score - Docking Score is the strength of the non-covalent interaction (also referred to as binding affinity) between target and ligand after they have been docked.
Number of Interactions - Number of Interactions between target and ligand in target-ligand docking complex.
Herbal Recipe - Herbal Recipe is the protocol for preparing the natural medicine, usually home remedies.
Drug Action - Drug Action on the human body. The drugs that enter the human tend to stimulate certain receptors.
Author(s) - Author(s) is the list of name(s) of authors who have contributed the molecular docking data to the database.
Submitted Date - Submitted Date is the date of submission of the molecule to the database.
Docking Keywords - Docking Keywords is the short unique word to distinguish the entity in the records.
Docking References - Docking References contains one or more external links to the literature or data source.
Other entries are target-ligand interaction plot image file and 3D target-ligand complex structure of the docking.